The “Black Death” of the 21st Century!

This makes me sad.

It also reminds me that I need to try harder… I need to reach more people to make sure they know what’s happening and what’s at risk.


New studies released in the past year show that:

  • 40% of adults and 20% of children in America are now “obese,” and HALF of Americans now have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  • And 2 out of 3 people who have diabetes die of a heart attack!

Obesity and Diabetes are both global pandemics now. One researcher recently referred to this trend as the “Black Death of the 21st Century”… on track to wipe out a large portion of our population.

I knew it was bad, but those statistics still seem alarming when I see them in print!



I have spent over two decades helping people restore &/or maximize their health. Obviously, an integral part of that equation is body composition (how much excess fat we carry around vs. lean muscle). Excess body weight is an overwhelming health challenge that complicates all other health issues.

So, recently when I learned of this story about an obese man, dealing with diabetes, BUT doing something very outside-the-box… I was intrigued.

He was traveling across North America interviewing experts who could help… in an effort to help people find solutions to a health problem that’s plaguing our lives AND threatening our children’s lives.

He captured the best advice & recovery protocols from a number health experts, scientists, doctors, and survivors and shares them in his new documentary series, iThrive: Rising from the Depths of Diabetes & Obesity.

His trailer has just been posted online, and you can watch it here.




I’m excited to watch his 9-part documentary series when it broadcasts live to the world this week… and I encourage you to watch it with me.

It’s 100% free for you to watch, and all you need to do is go here and register to watch for free.

The level of expertise they’ve assembled to discuss this controversial issue is top-notch.


Plus, I want to witness this courageous man take the necessary steps to reverse his diabetes and obesity.  If he changes nothing… nothing will change. I’m cheering for him!


I hope to see you there!

Dr. Colleen


P.S. Since iThrive: Rising from the Depths of Diabetes & Obesity is 100% FREE, make sure to share it with your friends, family, co-workers or anyone else who may benefit from new SOLUTIONS for an increasingly serious problem.

Click to Register here and secure your spot now.







Dr. Colleen Trombley-VanHoogstraat (“Dr Mom Online”) is a popular personality in Natural Health & Wellness and is in her 23rd year of active practice in Michigan, along with her husband Dr. Marc VanHoogstraat. She’s also the proud mom of two rather fabulous kiddos that she currently home schools. Her unique perspective of the science of Wellness provides predictable solutions and transformational results for those struggling with chronic health issues, as well as those seeking lifelong health. To discover her simple strategies for creating better health through nutrition, movement, mindset, cellular detoxification, and metabolic re-setting, jump on board as a regular reader of Dr Mom Online when you plug in your name and email address.


*** Be sure to download your personal copy of “The Bull’s Eye Daily Food Guide”  – it’s my FREE gift to you! This is your single-glance tool to simplify nutrition, maximize fat loss & metabolic flexibility, and optimize vibrant health & longevity! You will definitely want this tool posted in your kitchen or on your phone for reference! Claim your copy!

For more of Dr. Colleen’s Wellness Lifestyle books, check out her library available online at











Dr. Trombley

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