With countless families abruptly thrust into the world of home schooling in recent days due to the Coronavirus pandemic (“Corona Schoolers”), and moms across the nation posting their hilarious home school memes, as well as their frustrations, fears, and success stories… it’s making me think back to how OUR family got started. It was a […]
Continue reading...People want simple solutions and short cuts… even when it comes to health. Relatable. While it’s not usually realistic to expect drastic health improvements in the blink of an eye, there ARE some simple strategies that are relatively easy to implement and will make a profound impact on your health – and your children’s health […]
Continue reading...What’s happening between your ears. That’s the difference. Ok. Maybe that’s a bit harsh. Let’s say it this way… the INTENTION behind not eating… that’s the difference. One enhances health. The other can destroy it. One is a personal health care decision. The other is a mental/psychological issue manifested by way of eating… or […]
Continue reading...For years… and I mean years… I’ve tried to teach our children the importance of WHAT they eat. As is the case with most of us, it’s still a work in progress! (Why do foods that aren’t in our best interest have to taste so GOOD? Pizza, french fries, pasta, bread, chips, pastries… Sigh…) […]
Continue reading...This is from the DrMomOnline archives from TEN YEARS AGO!! That means a couple things… First, the child I am referencing in this blog post is now FIFTEEN years old!! Second, the same ‘child’, and her younger brother, have been home schooled since the school year immediately following the one in the blog post… with “Nutrition […]
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